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Michael has been a firefighter for 26 years and is currently working as a firefighter in Flint Township, Michigan. As a firefighter Michael has dedicated countless hours to serving those in some of the most desperate circumstances of life. He and his fellow brothers and sisters endure some of the most unspeakable and detestable violence and death.


In 2010, Michael's repetitive exposure to traumatic events contributed to one of his most difficult battles. This battle forever changed his outlook on Critical Incident Stress Management, and the importance of repairing and maintaining the mental health and well-being of our front line workers.


Michael returned to college while receiving treatment for his own life struggles. Facing a difficult set of circumstances, Michael successfully completed multiple degree and certificate programs, eventually earning his master's degree in Clinical Social Work from Michigan State University and becoming a fully certified Critical Incident Stress Management Professional through CISM International.


Michael's passion has continued to fuel his lifelong endeavor of operating a qualified mental health practice that is committed to serving every individual's unique needs.

Green Pastures Therapy provides a person centered approach and treats every patient as an individual. We have therapist's trained in a multitude of empirically proven treatments, including but not limited to, Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Co-Occurring Disorder, Substance Abuse, Crisis Mitigation, Critical Incident Management Services, and providing Trauma Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, to adults as well as children.

Michael has dedicated much of his practice to the rehabilitation of adult and child victims of human trafficking, as well as providing education to the general public in on how they can spot, and combat human trafficking.


Michael's love for public service, and devotion to serving others has helped him to maintain his focus on helping those who support the front line. Michael recognizes the importance of our front line and when asked he stated, "It is my belief, that without our front line, we are nothing, they are our nation's heroes, and it is up to us to provide them care, and support when they need it most!"


Since 2013, Michael has been speaking publicly about his experience, and his goals to intercept mental health crisis on the front line. If you are interested in speaking with Michael, or hearing about any of the amazing projects that are under development. Please feel free to click on the "GET IN TOUCH" button below! 


OUR FOUNDER: About Therapy

@2019 by Green Pastures Therapy LLC

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